Transform your stress response ~
in just 15 minutes a day

Use 1% of your day
to make the other 99% better

Listen for 15 minutes a day to
better manage your stress.comfortably connect with others.effortlessly understand others.painlessly talk with others.confidently move around.make decisions with conviction.spark and execute creative ideas.

Like your body, your brain needs targeted exercises to improve in seven areas of performance.

Your brain won’t get strong by chance.

Make it strong by science, by design.

You may have seen me in:

“I’m finally breaking through a barrier –
mentally, physically, and emotionally.
And I’ve tried a lot of things!”

Ventura, California

When you train your brain, you improve
your Stress Response.your Social & Emotional Intelligence.your Auditory Processing.your Communication.your Motor Coordination.your Executive Functioning.your Creative Expression.


If you’re human, you’ve probably had an “off” day or two. Everything seems to go wrong, and you beat yourself up in your head, saying:

  • I lost my keys AGAIN. I can’t keep track of anything!
  • I’ve got so much to do; I don’t know where to start.
  • What a dumb thing to say; I should have said this.

Imagine ending your day thinking:

  • Wow, I haven’t misplaced anything in a week!
  • Things are going really well at home and work.
  • What an awesome meeting; we definitely connected.

The Listening Program has helped adults in these ways and more.


If you’re a parent, you’ve likely been irritated with your child. Whatever you try, your child’s behavior doesn’t improve. You want to tell your child:

  • Stop making such a big deal over little things!
  • Can’t you just follow directions?
  • Stop leaving school projects to the last minute!

Chances are, you’d rather be saying:

  • You handled that situation really well.
  • You’ve been really responsible with your chores.
  • You managed your assignment well and did great!

The Listening Program has helped children in these ways and more.

Playlists to relax, focus, and motivate you.

Who can benefit from
The Listening Program?

YouTube player

Since 1999, The Listening Program has helped people with

ADHD | Learning Challenges | Sleep | Anxiety | Social Skills | Post-Stroke Recovery | Academics | Autism | Language Delays
Sensory Sensitivities | Meltdowns | Articulation | Stuttering | Confidence | Creativity | Executive Functioning | Peak Performance | and more

ready to join them?

What people love about The Listening Program:

You may not yet be ready for The Listening Program if:

“Now I understand the value of your support.”

What’s included?

Pillar #1

Your Plan

Your personalized listening plan is based upon information you provide in an extensive intake questionnaire, designed to get the full picture of your background, struggles, needs, and goals.

Pillar #2

Your Training

Together, we’ll design a habit-building routine to work TLP listening into your busy life. You’ll also learn how to use your personal online portal to manage, track, and journal your progress.

pillar #3

Your Coaching

We’ll continue to meet for Progress Update sessions via HIPAA-compliant video calls. We’ll review your successes, discuss any questions, make needed tweaks, and keep you on track.

The Listening Program’s music was

neurologically designed for a single reason:

to train your brain.

With its scientifically- and neurologically-modified classical music,
TLP activates the entire human hearing frequency range of 20-20,000 hertz
to target the specific areas of your brain responsible for seven areas of performance.

Through a proprietary questionnaire, you’ll identify your brain’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as pinpoint where you’d like to improve.

This information guides us to the program track to help you reach your goals in the best possible way. Train your brain without breaking a sweat!

This isn’t any ole’ classical music.

It’s music unlike any you’ve ever experienced before.

Are you wondering – ?

The seven areas of performance are:

  • Stress Response
  • Social & Emotional Intelligence
  • Auditory Processing
  • Communication
  • Motor Coordination
  • Executive Functioning
  • Creative Expression

Learn more about TLP for adults and for children.

The music in The Listening Program was selected, performed, recorded, produced, and modified for the purpose of training your brain. Depending upon the desired improvement(s), your specific program targets the frequency ranges that stimulate those areas of the brain.

Through the Brain Scale questionnaire, you’ll identify your strong and weak areas of performance, as well as choose those areas where you’d like to improve.

These details guide me, as your Certified Provider, in determining which program track will you reach your goals in the fastest way possible.

Check out these independent studies on the effectiveness of The Listening Program.

Popular high-end headphone models have been known to block frequency ranges. The Listening Program stimulates, in a systematic way, the different areas of the brain through the entire human range of hearing, 20-20,000 Hertz. The headphones used with TLP must deliver this entire frequency range. If frequencies are missing, the TLP music will not be delivered as designed, and you won’t get the full benefits of your program. Therapeutic-grade, TLP-approved headphones have been tested and proven to deliver the full frequency range.

Even with some hearing loss, you can still take advantage of The Listening Program! That’s because, in a package upgrade, we offer an audio system that uses bone-and-air-conduction.

If you don’t suffer from hearing loss, you can still experience extra benefits using this dual-method conduction system.

Read on to find out how this system works.

The bone-and-air-conduction system, called Waves™, allows you to experience TLP music through the two natural sound pathways that your brain uses to hear. Not only do you hear the sound through your ears, you feel and absorb the music through the bones of your skull. The vibrations are gentle, and the sound is pure. (Interestingly, it is believed that Beethoven used bone conduction to continue composing after he became deaf.)

Since Waves™ combines the two natural modes of hearing — through your ears (air conduction) and through your head (bone conduction) — Waves™ accelerates and expands the benefits of TLP.

While Listeners have experienced great improvements without the added benefit of bone conduction, bone conduction enhances your experience.

This bone conduction provides vibrational stimulation for the cochlear hair cells in the inner ear, which plays a critical role in balance and, by extension, motor coordination.  This stimulation cannot be accomplished by air conduction at a volume safe for hearing.

YouTube player
How air and bone conduction work

Typical TLP programs last 10-12 months.

You should continue to use TLP as long as you think it’s helping you. Some Listeners have been using TLP for decades. (TLP was first offered in 1999.)

After your initial support package is over, you can choose to purchase an additional support package or a single anytime session. I’m here for you when you need me.

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